The Return to Bloody Nights (Classic)

3 years ago

TRTBN - Missunderstanding. Clarifing a few things: What my role is in this game and how we work.

Hi, im Kazovsky, main developer and director of The Return to Bloody Nights. Recently i recevied more message asking me what exactly my role is in game developing, of this project in particular. Some people accused me of being no one and doing nothing, saying the main work is bein made only by the modeller and coder. This is a false information and here is why.
First of all, i was the one who began the project in the first place. After a while i found a modeler, who became my best friend and later also a coder who also was funny and respectable guy who liked to hang out with, i mean in Discord calls. Before TRTBN we worked on the previous game (in 2017) which sadly failed, but in 2021 we started to make a remake since after all this time we were much more skilled and had a clearer idea of what is going to be made.
I am not going into details of the project since it's too early to talk about it but i will tell you what work we do so the game is looking as it is doing now.

I,@kazovsky , brought the idea of the location, story and characters to create the base to our project. I also made the whole game mechanics, how it feels and plays and i am proud of it since i think my gameplay is just perfect in my eyes. I do scripts, story and scenes events. Dialogs are written by me. The interaction between characters you see are all my ideas and they actually look pretty, arent they? Whole game strocture works by my design, based on my ideas, even the smallest details. I also make sounds for the game, some of the soundtracks are my made and mixed by me. So basically i bring ideas and materials, and my coder is the one who makes everything look and work as i want. And he is NOT against what i say, he never was since we enjoyed each other company and he always liked my ideas.
Coder of the game, the one from Ukraine, was a great pal but problematic. His mental state was always a big problem and we had a lot of problems with communication but me and the modeller were always supportive and helped him to manage his issues along side the work he was doing. Sadly he is not here anymore due to health issues. Now we have a different person to help us which will be paid for his work.
Our modeller, my best friend which i know for more than 5 years is more than happy to stay with us and work on the game. He was always supportive to all of us too and we had a great time working on TRTBN. He does ALL the graphics for the game - models, textures and design. The way the game looks its his contribute which is priceless for me. Without this guy, nothing would have moved untill the point we are at this day. He also helped with many ideas towards game design and location plan. He draws also very good, like... we have dozens of different stickers in the game which were made by him and that is so cool of him to draw these.

Anyway, MY work was making the base for the game, gameplay, characters designs together with story and dialogs. I did sound design, atmosphere and music. Scripting and text that is used in game and menus, UI is also my work together with pixel art in minigames.
The coder just make everything work, which is fantastic and the modeler makes renders together with general designs which is almost half of the game work.

They follow me and we work together. Obviously if there is a disagreement, we always talk about it and how to fix the issue. We never had a big issue with resolving our problems with each other, we are friends and nothing can end our friendship, neither the work we do. I do a HUGE work to make this game even happen, my friends help me, but that help is also huge where they took very very important roles because they are great at their work. We work in 3 most of the time.
We also getting help from other minor developers or freelancers who can give us small ideas or materials to feature in the game. I always thank them for what they have done since they make my game even better.
As well as our fans, we see and love your support, your art and even just messages refferring how the game is. We thank you from our hearts since it means a lot.
I hope some of you will understand better how the work is done. If the game sucks and you dont like it - fine, we don't care. You can even shit on it, we allow it. But spreading missinformation is actually very dumb and i was here just to make sure you know better me and my team, thank you.



Next up


The Bite of 87 was caused by Foxy. Im glad to know that and can happily live without questioning it again.


Another Small Update

First attempt at camera layout map. It will get brighter when your mouse indicator is near the map and gets more transparent when not. So far works okay but visually needs better button design.

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!

The Return to Bloody Nights - The Last Update "Play with Me!"

Public Response to Community Concerns - TRTBN Classic Updates, Upcoming TRTBN VR and Personal Life (A MUST READ)


Once we reach 2.000 followers on the VR page of the game, we will show some images and reveal the characters how they are looking. Thanks again everyone who already followed and still supports us, means a lot! This new version is a great improvement!