29 days ago

Trying to restart from scratch for Syahirah's lore.

Syahirah is a transfer student from Victoress Girls School to a one-session public co-ed secondary school located somewhere in another city.

[More lore in article]

She is a rough tomboy, rejecting almost all feminine interests due to being forced to be raised as a vulnerable traditional woman in her past life before being adopted by King Cobra in 2023 (exactly two weeks after his pardon, yes I rewritten KC's redemption arc and advanced it to middle 2023). Her current life, due to being a legal daughter of a rough bounty hunter, she inherited her new father's interest and bits of personality. This is mostly to cope with her past life of oppression.

Due to her manly personality, she can't get used to the girls-only environment and can't get along with students there who are all elites with feminine behaviour. So her father decided to have a bit of talk with the counselor there and start a transfer program. Syahirah is one of the participants in the transfer program, and has renewed herself in a very large public school with a very tall building. She is fascinated that they don't have to switch between sessions, and that there's a lot of things to do in there. She felt like her life changes 180 degrees, and becomes one of the most active "freshmen" there.

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Asshole, I don't want either

This is probably one of the only Malay song that Starrockers Mizal will relate to that isn't rock or metal, although not in a romantic way

I love this one widget, all my heart out

Recap Time! I was in a wild swing between art blocks and such but hey. At least we have enough artworks to make a recap.

How much did I improve? And which one is your favourite? Feel free to comment.

I don't get you because of the wording, but...

Singaporean Astro Warna is still there? Oh, how lucky are you neighbour lions...

(Credit: Astro Danganronpa on YT)

It's finally time. The final #Joltober2023 prompt artwork. Didn't include the Day and the other text since I don't want to.

Jimmy and The Guy go trick-or-treating. Went horribly wrong.

“Can you stop being corny for a moment, dead guy?”


“So who's your favourite JoJo character?”

Take a wild guess

Yep, you guessed the theme for this year. If you don't, it's Stardust! Some characters haven't been uploaded yet, but feel free to take a look to what we have so far!

#af2024 #stardustsweep

Can you stop showing me apps from these or should I just take down this shit AI chat app as a whole 😍 (I just want to play with random JoJo characters 😭)