So yeah, here I am! I am finished with the stage 5 boss and I have begun on stage 6. :)
Stage 6's name is "Evil's lair", and you can probably guess why. The entirety of stage 6 is that you're going up the base of the castle. Up towards the main tower where stage 7 is supposed to take place. I am really excited because this is the second last stage of the entire game, the main base of the game is coming to a close, slowly but surely!
This stage is actually gonna be the longest in the entire game, at least that's what I am trying to pull off. Considering that the entire stage takes place in this huge area it's gonna be difficult to not make it large. Due to the size of the stage, I will actually have a save in the middle of the stage. This hasn't been done in any of the other stages.
There is a lot of work to be done so I better get to it! I'll try to keep you updated as this stage gets developed. :)