Tubbyland return is now remade and new characters and plus noo noo full body revealed :) #tubbyland #ttla #fnaffangames #fangames #fnatl #tubbylandreturn #ttlaact1 #ttlaact2
Next up
Meet scrapped Tubbybot
Scrapped tubbybot appears night 3 4 5 6 make sure to watch him he appears CAM C check on him if you don’t check on him he will move faster when his appear when he get in your office he will attack and plus more leakeds for ACT 2
Here tubbtland return I remade the soon trailer will be here soon and plus mr bubz appears in title menu screen Easter egg
Tinky winky is posting about among us [tubbyland act 2 tubbyland return]
Here PTLD oh but you can’t see him PTLD appears in NIGHT X remember if you see him in camera just look away when his in vent use alarm sound
Good morning you made it to 6AM from tubbyland return but there still more out there
New tubbyland retrun trailer (Conpet game)
Sorry I took so long but this is a fan made game tubbyland return was cancelled so I remade the game of tubbyland return
Meet new character
The tibbytuddies he appears in dumpers in office remember he can only appears in night 3 night 4 and night 5 or 6 he only by district by camera if you see him turn on flashlight he will go back In dumpers and plus new spoilers in TLA 3
More teasers and plus noo-noo full body........... oh he didn’t want to see the full body ._.
I found dipsy in tubbyland return this is why this game got cancelled so I am going to resign so here it is he’s name is prototype dispy remember he appears night 4 5 6 careful watch him if he closer to your office he will turn off power #ttla #tubbyland
Here tinky winky jumpscard and game over screen from Tubbyland return