Hi, it's your friendly neighborhood theorist. I'm here to figure out what the images on the tv mean. not the wholesome ones, but the weird ones. now this theory is one that isn't as definitive in my head as my previous ones, but it'll work.
starting off, we have this pleasant sight. 2 eyes connected to a spine. I have an idea on what this might mean. I think it's the organic parts of Felix. think about it. no arms, spine with similar looking rib things, and yellow eyes. sounds like Felix to me.
look at the shape of his spine, and his veiny eyes
next one up is this bloody mouth. this too mee looks like when Clara peels back her face for the jumpscare. it has a similar circular mouth shape, and the teeth look alike.
next, we have this. whatever this is, I think it represents Bernard. in the service manual, it shows a big pile o who knows what next to Bernard.
see the big pile of organ stuff
Finally, we have these eyes right here, who could either belong to Friedrich or Endoskelett. I think endoskelett because of the eye veins that look like the wires on Endoskelett's head, but he isn't in this demo, so that makes me think Friedrich. evidence for the eyes belonging to Friedrich is that in the service manual, you see 2 human eyes that belong to Friedrich.
this all leads me to believe that the animatronics are indeed alive, and are functioning on an organic level. but who knows though. last one could be those hints for the other animatronic that Ryon referred to. I am actively looking for evidence on the secret character, so stay tuned in case you're interested in seeing if I find anything. and hey, this is just a theory.........A GAME THEORY!!!!!! Thanks for reading.
also, if you like drinking games, take a shot every time i say referring in my posts.
extra note: am I the theorist guy now?