First of all, this game is the most beautiful piece of work on this site I’ve come across, and I’ve been playing that game and its series as much as I could for the past several weeks. I’ll leave it at that. Otherwise, I’ll start talking about what I like about the game, and then we’ll be here all day!
Second, it’s taken me this long to learn the number one unforgivable sin when it comes to scripting: spaces. In filenames, at least. So, because most of the face graphics I’ve been using in the game had spaces in their names, they wouldn’t work properly with Yanfly’s Gab Text plugin, so I had to rename the files. Oh, and the best part? I was already almost done with the demo I was gonna publish, so that means I have to go back through the entire thing and re-assign every individual face in the textboxes to their “new” files… if that makes sense, because it didn’t to me when I read that sentence over.
Anyway, in a realistic sense, I could probably have something solid ready to publish in the next week, but since I live a fairly unrealistic life, you never know. Not only is fixing all those faces tedious, but Intelligence is so fun! How can I tear myself away from that?
Erm… yeah, that’s all this post was about. ‘Till next you hear from me!