(This “U15 test” is no longer available. I hope you had a great April Fools! Progress on the full game is going fine, I’ll have more to share within the coming weeks ;3)
Hi guys!
For the past few weeks I’ve been secretly working on U15 for the demo, which adds a bunch of brand new features! The update isn’t completely done yet, but I really want to share what’s been added so far.
Here’s the current changelog:
Added a brand new ending to the game, the “Bad Ending”!
Added 12 new skins, including Asriel, Mettaton, Mettaton EX, Alphys, Undyne, Napstablook, and more!
Made a lot of changes to PvP and the rank system!
Added two brand new areas, Hotland and the Core!
Added more nametag options!
I hope you enjoy the new features that are now in the game, and please feel free to give me some suggestions for what the full U15 should have!
Thanks and have fun!