i'm too fucking lazy to quickly create a port, so here's what i planned to do yesterday, but will do today or tomorrow:
1. multi-touch control. have ya noticed such a glitch when you tried to press several buttons with two fingers in overworld/battle? well, I have no fucking idea how to do it. @nobleepuz promised to help me with this, so all claims to him.
2. controls in the preview battle. most likely it will be released today (I don't promise anything)
3. more settings in the configuration. (like music, etc.) will appear soon
4. a normal debug mode switch. the stupid subsystem of android in clickteam fusion does not allow me to properly check whether the switch works or not, so it is not my fault.
5. messages from the developers. i was just too lazy to make them, well fucking hell.
I am attaching a poll on the phase you want to see soon. Vote, you have one day.