
3 years ago

ULB's 2nd year anniversary! + 1st Devlog.

Hey everyone! ZerJox talking. Wow, it's been already 2 years on this little silly fangame huh?

Time moves really fast, and I can't even believe how this game still till this day gets mentioned by many people. Being real though, even after all the impacts and troubles I have been through because of this one game, I probably wouldn't been known by a lot of people around the internet. That alone gives me anxiety till this day, but still I am trying to get over it.

Well now, first devlog ever after god knows how long. If you haven't known yet or didn't have the chance to see the game page before the incident (please do not mention it on the comments, I got PTSD after that day), we are updating ULB! More known as ULB Retouched. We got so much progress in the first couple of weeks, which is enough to show you all. And no, this won't be a weekly/monthly/yearly devlogs. These devlogs will only come when there is enough progress, meaning it will come at random.


I feel like it's finally time to show you the news for the new story. So as everyone knows, there was 2 chapters for this game. And till this day people are still asking where is chapter 2. And for obvious reasons I didn't like continuing on this project. Well, until recently. Now that I'm back, I can say that I am bringing back chapter 2 along with some changes to the previous chapter.

Chapter One:

The plot, story and introduction will be the same. What I have changed is Sans' personality, to be more realistic on the ULB environment than being mercyful or afraid. Now this isn't so important to some of us, but here comes the big news. As we all know, in this chapter we had 3 phases for Sans. But then I looked back at the story and the plot of phase 2, him surviving with 0.0001 HP was a mistake from me, because realistically that is impossible. In short, I removed phase 2 and instead kept phase 1 and 3 (which from now on will be called phase 2). I have said this to some server members on the ULB server, some of them were sad and some of them understood why I did that. Don't worry though, phase 1 will have some aspects from the old phase 2, just without a damaged chest.
Anyways, here is a little animation to laugh at:
ulb sans says goodbye to phase 2 - YouTube

Chapter Two:

Oh boy, here we go again! Originally I had like 3 takes for this chapter alone, and now I have 4. I am not gonna reveal much about this though, but I will talk about it a little. First of all, chapter 2 will take place inside the underground. Yeah, that ending from the old game? That's a whole different story. This retouched version will be it's own thing, and it's own game (Don't worry I am not removing the current game). Also, Napstaplook and Flowey duo battle is not a thing on this version. That one official battle theme Jedo made? That was for another version of chapter 2. You will still have Flowey as an encounter, he is just so weak to battle you. Don't worry, you still can fight a 2-phases Asgore anyways. Wait, have you ever knew about that?

Chapter Three:

"WHAT?! 3 CHAPTERS NOW?!?!". Oh yeah, that's a thing now lol.


When I started this remake, I mainly focused on the coding part. We're still using Clickteam Fusion, since that's what I and most people I know work on. The first thing I thought of doing was making our own ULB battle engine, exclusively made for the new remake. This new engine has all canon Undertale souls in it, a rotate-able box and many other features. You can see some preview of the engine here:


As for the main game, I already made some stuff for it. Before I started making a team, I made the main menu and the naming system by myself. The truth is I actually was going to make the whole remake myself. I made new sprites, new assets and started making my own battle engine. And here is a little secret, I thought of making this remake way back, around January and I was already working on it. But around April I started losing motivation, and stopped working entirely. But then I felt a huge stress on my back that I wanted to release. I tried moving away from ULB but I always felt like something is missing. Because till this day I still didn't like the current version of the game, and I wanted to change it so badly. So then I got back up and started making a team, and here we are! You can have some previews of the new menu and the naming system, though I will probably remake them anyways:



We have made some progress on the assets of the game. I can say that we have done like 42% of the assets for the Chapter 1 alone. As for Chapter 2, I made some stuff in the past but we gonna replace them anyways. And for Chapter 3, they're technically done. Also, we have changed the Sans sprites! Making it to be the 9th version of sprites for Sans alone, and hopefully that's the last. I would like to show you the new sprites, but for obvious copy-right reasons I will show you a shadowed version of the sprites.


Sans is back being unrealistically fat! Also some of the assets you saw in the coding progress will be used on the final game (maybe).


After the incident, finding musicians was really hard. Though, we have 2 musicians now but sadly we don't have any progress to show. If you haven't known by now, we're changing the entire OST to make original new ones. Now some people would wonder, "why are you not using BenLab's music anymore?". Don't get me wrong, I LOVE BenLab's music. But I already used them on the current game, and that OST was made specifically for the 3 phases Sans battles. So using them on this new story won't make sense. I wanted to make new OST because I find it better for the new remake. And since no one from the old team has made any OST for Chapter 2 and 3, it will be a great time now to make it with new people and styles.


That's all I have to show for this devlog, we will be updating you as soon as we get more progress in the future. Thanks for your supports and concerns, see ya in next time!




Next up

ULB's 3rd year anniversary! + Progress!!

(OST DROP) Last Breath: Bullet Train - 02. For Whom The Bell Tolls

Coming soon...

noelle joined

New Ownership + The Future of this Project

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.


Eid Mubarak!

