1 year ago

Un creepypasta que hice

A creepypasta I made


Un dia estaba caminando a mi casa, pase por la casa del vecino su perro me estaba ladrado como siempre, yo le grite a manera de broma "QUE TE HICE?!'" el perro dejo de ladrar y me miro en silencio, yo me fui a mi casa pero el perro se quedo viendo a mi casa por horas y seguia viendola aun cuando era de noche, me dormi, a la mañana seguiente el perro no estaba y se abia perdido, pero en mi patio abian unos rasguños enormes, desde ahi no volvi a ver al perro, aun lo oigo ladrar...



One day I was walking home, I passed by the neighbor's house, his dog was barking at me as always, I yelled at him as a joke, 'WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!'" The dog stopped barking and looked at me in silence, I left. to my house but the dog stared at my house for hours and continued to see it even when it was night, I fell asleep, the next morning the dog was not there and was lost, but there were some huge scratches in my yard, from there I didn't see the dog again, I still hear him barking...



Next up

Arian chepad

(this is my last feddy of the year)

Only 4 more...

Feddy! @JeremyGonzalez_833e

Remember guys that I speak spanish but I use the traslator to communicate with you >w<💕

Happy new year to all in gamejolt!!!!!!

All my OCs and fan/friend arts!

(Actual version of this post: 1.6)

Hell yeah!

Now the episode 2 >:)