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InsanityUndying.exe (This is just a temporary name for whatever this is, it can be VERY misleading.)
A project idea I won't reveal much about for now except the sprites here.
they so depresso and negative towards life
[HORRORTALE] - sans.
This time not a take, just my version of the sprite.
This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Undertale! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.
Honestly, I'm quite happy about this, it actually looked quite good.
Quite nice.
I hope someday I really make this project a game or something because as a comic I can't show the idea fully, there is just SOOO much to it...
woke up from a nap and immediately made this for no reason
Red Mode
When you're losing an argument but still keep talking:
Undyne I don't think there is anything to explain here.