We need Spriters, Coders, Concept Artist, and Music Composers!
Pixel Art- We need Battle Sprite, Overworld, Tileset, & Background Artist
Battle Sprite- We are looking for spriters who can draw and animate Undertale Battle Sprites.
Tile set- We are looking for spriters who can create tilesets that can be used for area/map design & creation. There is no special criteria for this role.
Overworld- We need overworld spriters for both Characters and environments!
Background- We are looking for spriters who can draw backgrounds for in game use/ There is no special criteria for this role. Any animated Backgrounds may be done by you or the teams animators. [EXAMPLES DOWN BELOW]

Set Piece Example -

All of these examples have been taken from the Main Game. We are using them here as examples.
Concept Art- Environmental/Area, & In Game Events
Environmental/Area- We are looking for concept artist who can draw concept art of in game locations and possible sub areas for said locations. There is no special criteria for this role.
In Game Events- Certain in games events like a cut scene, character interactions, etc. There is no special criteria for this role.
Music Composer - We need music composers who can really help bring the game to life by help making an awesome soundtrack. There is no special criteria for this role.
Coder- We need more programmers to help turn Undertale Brave Beginnings into reality! Must have experience in GMS2
If you’re interested, here’s the application form!: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWdY5EmbQMYm4Tz4VXtEa6DmpgYowlamMc_zuWNMM2CcHtTw/viewform
Update on The Battle System!
Hey guys! Quick update. The base UT engine for UTBB is complete! Now we are moving on to room/level design and UI changes.
We plan on changing the fight button UI and are currently juggling concepts for it. The thing is- [SPOILORS FOR UTBB]
Valor will have four slots. WEAPON, ARMOR, HANDWEAR & SIGIL.

HANDWEAR is where items like the tough glove (An item you get later in the game) goes once equipped and WEAPONS and ARMORS will work like they do in base game Undertale. For the fight button, we plan on having it take both the WEAPON slot and HANDWEAR slot into account. And because we believe in quality over quantity we will be working hard trying to find a new mechanic that will be new and fun to use. Sadly this may delay any gameplay videos minus a few in-game areas sometime in the near future. We have plans to make a 3-5 min gameplay video showcasing the new battle system + reveal the first area of the game ^^. Oh, and you may have noticed a slot that says SIGIL. . . . Don't worry about that for now
And yes, you do have 15/15 HP at the beginning on the game. There will be ways you can increase your HP. . . One of them I'm sure you're very very familiar with = )
The team has been making good progress so far. However, we have decided to take a different approach when releasing the Demo. Following in the foot steps of the main project that inspired Undertale Brave Beginnings (That being Undertale Kindred Spirits by @PurrSum ) We are releasing two Prologues to Undertale: Brave Beginnings. It will go as follows
Prologue- Begin Again (Part 1)
Three Character reveals/bios
Prologue- 365 Days (Part 2)
1 character reveal/bio
Full Release
Full OST Soundtrack release
(Clarification: The prologue for UTBB is just the demo with a fancy name lol)
There is a reason we have split the prologue into two parts. The start of UTBB will be important. It will serve as an introduction to the story and used as a stepping stone for what's to come. The choices you make will have consequences later on. And due to how the story is set up, we feel like this was the best decision. With that being said, we are going back to rewriting somethings regarding the first prologue to make sure it has a smooth transition (and to improve some of the dialog as well). Now why did we give them these names? . . . You'll just have to wait and se ^^
We will also be aiming for a 2025-2027 window for the first prologue however this may change later on so we can not make any promises at this time.
In terms of writing, We went back and rewrote some stuff for the prologue, and the cast for area 2 have their designs finalized but won't be fully reveled just yet.
We have gotten to work on idle animations for Valor!

(Sprites made by @Destroyer120 )
Taking inspiration from DELTARUNE and Undertale: KINDRED SPIRITS. We've made Battle Icons for Valor and other party members (Who are yet to be revealed) Here are Valor's! (and before you ask, yes we did get permission from one of the UTKS devs to do something like this)

(Made by the teams amazing new sprite artist @mono_chrome !)
Concept Art!
Here’s some concept art for the games story and old promotional material! However. . . You get zero context ^^

(Concepts made by Hollow).
And one special look at a future UTBB character 👀

(Design made by Azee)
He will truly be the apple of your eye.

Lastly, if you haven't heard. Undertale: Kindred Spirits by @PurrSum will launch its Prologue on September 27th 2024. This project helped inspire UTBB so it's amazing to see it come back and we hope the developer can get through the tuff problems he's been having with his IRL life.
Make sure to go and show your support if you can!
Anyway, that's all for now. bye everyone! See you next update.