UNDERTALE - Dead Man Walking Trilogy [Official]

2 years ago

Undertale - Dead Man Walking - Devlog#2

Firstly, I'd like to take a moment to appreciate the hard work of a lot of our team members. They've been working non stop to make dead man walking and our other projects as best as they can be.

If you can, show them all some love.

Go follow their projects and tell them how much you appreciate them.


Anyways, moving on to the dev log;
Game progress

Progress is coming along smoothly, currently we're planning out the rooms and discussing potential gameplay features. Story wise, we have a lot of the ideas down, but we're still thinking of potential side quests and such. There's a lot in the story we could change, but there's some things that I feel

that we have really done our best to make good.
Gameplay mockup

So, here's what you've most likely been waiting for, a look at what the gameplay could look like in the future.


It's what we're planning to do for the menu, but in the actual game there's gonna be some changes of course.


For example, we may switch out the clock with a digital one. Neither clocks track real time, they just track the in game time. Do you like this mockup? I think it's pretty cool.

Yeah, we're gonna remind you again. We have a soundcloud playlist for DMW. It's not complete, but still give it a listen when you have the time.

If there's a song you really like and you want to remix it, you can ask here: TD!Funny#8160 (discord).

There are also other socials belonging to TD on his page.



Next up

FYI On why cant join to server of mine. (Read Article)

Happy 8 Year Anniversary/Spawnday - Yours Truely, The Silent Stalker

UNDERTALE: REWIND - Season 3: The Old Friend.

Early 2k Followers - Teaser



What could this mean for Dead Man Walking and The Trilogy itself..?

REMINDER: Team Applications are still open!

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Undertale! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

DMW Prototype/Trilogy Teaser - "Building Up The RAGE"