Okay, I'm going to be honest here - I had NO IDEA that today was Undertale's anniversary until I started seeing all of the posts about it. This devlog might be kind of rushed, but I'll try to squeeze in as much as possible.
Spriting Progress
As of a few minutes ago at the time of writing, the battle sprite for Toriel is complete! Take a look:
Unfortunately, that's about it for spriting. Fortunately, there's more...
I am pleased to announce that the overworld engine is almost completely done! Crazy, isn't it?
I'm also working on some minor things in the battle engine, like the code for the box, but that's about it.
The team is working hard on this project, but we are still in need of a talented artist for banners, promotional art, and the like. Apply in the comments or at this link:
You can also join the discord server for exclusive updates, leaks, and news here:
That's all for this devlog, we'll see you next time!