So, to kick things off at the start of 2023, I thought we should release a devlog, shouldn't we?
With that out of the way, let's begin!

This is the phase 1 sprite for the main battle with Papyrus. Yes, the speartip is white for the battle.
Don't worry, there's more coming!

Whoops, that doesn't belong here. Moving on!
We were able to make 2 OG songs for the Last Belief OST! We have LAST WISH and DETERMINATION Strikes Back added. Actually, fun fact. @Instinctually made the concept for LAST WISH. It was even intended to become a Megalo at that point!
We also made a new Discord server. I'll edit the page later on.
We have some progress for the development of the game itself! It'll be posted in another post and linked in the comments.
Other than that, things have been pretty normal! Have a good day!
-The Guys Working on Last Belief
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