Happy Halloween Month!
As a treat, we have a very spoooooky devlog to share on Undertale Plus!
...not really. There's nothing scary about this. Perhaps the real scary thing is how much we can't share lol
Let's talk about development since last devlog. Or rather, what we can't talk about.
Don't expect this devlog to reveal much, most of our development during the past month has been stuff we don't want to spoil everyone on. So we're keeping it very light this time around so you all can be surprised :3
However, we can talk about our progress since the last devlog!
Achievements menu has been redone! Before, the menu was really wonky. You had to scroll one by one and it also didn't look visually interesting. Now, it looks really cool and a lot more user friendly.
The achievements on the Undertale tab are achievements that are from the console versions of the game. So Xbox and PS4. (Nintendo why aren't there achievements on your consoles). The achievements on the Plus tab are new achievements that are specific to Undertale Plus.
For clarification as well, the border in the devlog screenshot around the achievements menu is a border that can be turned on in settings, just like every other border. It isn't apart of the menu.
Music Player has also seen some changes. You will now have to unlock each song by discovering them in game first. This goes for any remixes and original themes we've made as well. This will hopefully help stop the spoiling of everyone on the soundtrack before they even get a chance to discover stuff on their own :3
Battle Dojo has also started development! While we don't wanna share what it looks like or how it works, just know it has started early programming stages!
Also, since our last devlog, we have made an official Undertale Plus website! It's really funny because Cibles learned the HTML and CSS languages to make it, only for it to turn out terrible and someone else who knew what they were doing patched it all up :3 (thanks Yaboi0058)
If anyone discovered the domain before we made it public... I am sorry for what you had to see...
But the website is public now! We'll be frequently updating the website in the future, and if you saw our Discord announcement, we recommend checking again as stuff has changed!
By the time this devlog releases, the hope is that the Japanese translation of the website has started and will be supported soon!
Sorry if the website is a bit slow. We're still working on it's speed, and also we're working on getting an SSL certificate so we can't have an "https" until we get it. Since we aren't asking for any information on you, we figured it would be fine to launch with "http" because getting "https" will take a bit.
And that's it for now! Sorry if this wasn't much, there's so much we wanna talk and show in this devlog, but we can't because of spoilers! Aaaaah, trust me, I want this thing to release, probably more than anyone. So we're working to get this mod into your hands as fast as we can, while also making sure it's polished enough that it's functional. Can't rush great games after all! Well, I guess to make it up to you... we have reorganized our internal spreadsheets yet again. (All settings are set in stone now) so hopefully that's worth something :3