6 hours ago

UNDERTALE: REWIND - Season 3: The Old Friend.

Season 3 Begins in Fun Value Room, An Manequin was Traveling through the space, to find out the true purpose of its existance.

as it arrives to the Dimension, Manequin starts speaking to Clyde "Its You Its me"

Clyde seems confused on what that means, as if he never seen Manequin stare at him so suspiciously. and smile

However Manequin had diffrent approach to conversate with Clyde, he uses his hands

where he explains on where he can find a Man who speaks in hands.

Clyde slowly gets it, but he dosent know where the man could be, never seen or heard of.

but could lead to someone who knows him,

Several Walking Miles later, They arrive at Skeleton Brothers's House.

Sans has some Deja vu seeing Manequin here, he tries to ask on why he wants to talk to The Scientist

All Manequin's Body Language would say is "Loose Ends"

he seems worried a bit that he wants to kill him, and shares a fact that The Scientist has some Connections with HIM.
and wants answers, not to kill.

sans leads him, but then turns out, he betrays sans and mostly sucks away his Abilities,

With it, The Manequin could possess anyone's Abilities to Defeat The Man Who Speaks in Hands.


Season 3 Shows up about The Old "Its you its me" Manequin,

Who not only came to the timeline just to finish some loose ends with Scientist, but also to overpower everyone, by stealing their Abilities.

Fight through the fear and anxiety, and Defeat The Manequin before he kills The Man Who Speaks in Hands.

Or would you betray yourself to serve in his service.



Next up

Okay so my favorite boss fight in this game, is my grandma, she fights well with that kalli sticks, and wowie my metalic forehead hurts.

Album#1 - The Aftermath Reveal

TESOF - August 9 2025 Teaser (Early Versions in Febuary or March)

noelle joined

New EP - The Aftermath

Wheel of Misfortune

ACT 2: Completed (Febuary)

March - The Last One Standing Teaser


Alot of Days Left Till The End.