
7 months ago

Undertinge - Help Wanted

Teamtinge is looking to add new members!

"Totally didn't steal this idea from someone, what're you saying??? lmao-"


We have been struggling to make progress with sprites and would like to add new spriters to help with our tilesets, and overworld sprites.

We are also looking for more writers to help improve the script, and to add more points of view to the project too.

Moving forwards

Undertinge has changed so much in the past years, from several story changes, leadership changes, and several sprite changes.

Hard to believe some of the previous updates were even Undertinge at this point!

We will no longer be doing "updates," but devlogs from now on. Do appreciate all those who have been with us for this journey. We're pretty far from any demo release, but we know we'll get there eventually.

"Really should've asked for help like, 4 years ago fr "-Mrmitten

How to apply for Teamtinge

  1. Have an account. (Yes, we mean it, if you don't have an account, you're just a faceless bot to us... and we don't like bots)

  2. Apply on Gamejolt pinging @Mr-Mitten , applying via the Deviantart application journal, or applying from our official discord server.

  3. Wait.

  4. Wait some more...

  5. Like... really, wait...

  6. Pretend you don't care and wait some more...

  7. REALLY wait, like, truly truly, real totally cool, wait wait.

  8. Get denied and cry about it

lmao, jk jk- We aren't that harsh. MOSTLY

Future updates planned

  1. Special update for when we hit 2k followers on our gamejolt.

  2. Special update for the project's anniversary in 5 months.


Our official server :

Our application journal :




Next up

"Dungeon of false answers" - update

Updated the "dungeon" or in other words, the judgement hall in undertinge. This is the final update for it. Enjoy. DO NOT USE without PERMISSION.


Teamtinge is looking for new members!

Undertinge, February Update - 4

Undertinge EARLY UPDATE - 5

It's been a long time, hasn't it?

From concept changing a lot, to losing access to the account for half a year... we're back. But on a more important note, we currently do not have someone to make themes. Anyways, thanks for 1k.


Undertinge Update 5 delay!

There's still a bit we're working on, and stuff we'd like to keep secret, so we're delaying our next update! Stay tuned for more updates later.

stinge fr fr...

Undertinge's system reveal

(image by Graves-Of-Roses)

Teamtinge needs more coders!

Where have we been?