After reviewing all the mechanics we have... it adds up to 10 pages.
And we thought, wow! That's a TON of mechanics!
And then we thought... wow... that's... a ton of mechanics.
And we realized, there's just 1 very talented person coding it all. Please go check him out, he's very good at what he does.
Like, no joke, without them, this project wouldn't be possible.
Aaaaaand, as for the script.
ACT 1 is getting close to completion. And nearly all the sprites, (besides tilesets and overworld sprites) have been finished.
We've got a lot more planned for the future of this fangame, but ACT 1 will be our demo. (I've not told teamtinge this, but I think it's reasonable to at least release something after 5 years.)
So, if you know any coders? Send them our way!
(Because we do need at least 1 or 2 more.)