16 days ago

Undertinge needs more coders!

After reviewing all the mechanics we have... it adds up to 10 pages.

And we thought, wow! That's a TON of mechanics!

And then we thought... wow... that's... a ton of mechanics.

And we realized, there's just 1 very talented person coding it all. Please go check him out, he's very good at what he does.

@EOShadows !

Like, no joke, without them, this project wouldn't be possible.

Aaaaaand, as for the script.

ACT 1 is getting close to completion. And nearly all the sprites, (besides tilesets and overworld sprites) have been finished.

We've got a lot more planned for the future of this fangame, but ACT 1 will be our demo. (I've not told teamtinge this, but I think it's reasonable to at least release something after 5 years.)

So, if you know any coders? Send them our way!

(Because we do need at least 1 or 2 more.)



Next up

Drew Undertinge Frisk's first design... none of you remember this because it was never public. This design was so difficult to find... it's from 5 years ago.



Ruinstale, jk, anyways, congrats on the first year of your au! #UnderuinsArt

Go congratulate @splshy !

If you didn't know, we released a new update on Undertinge...


sasn art. And no. I'm not in the UT fandom, oof.

I've been quite busy drawing and spriting for undertinge non-stop these few days- hhhhhhhh- This next update's gonna be a lot longer than expected.

Anyways. Here's a practice sprite I made. It's non-official.

If you didn't know, my team's looking for new team members. IK. I've shared this 1000 times, but hey... 1000 more shouldn't hurt, right?


For those who think we, @TeamTinge did nothing the 5 years we've worked on Undertinge...

Did some UT fanart because I've nothin better to do