2 days ago


What you're seeing here is my concept for a fake Pepperman called 'Ceci n'est pas une Pepper' which is you guessed it, a play on the writing on the caption in The Treachery of Images 'Ceci n'est pas une pipe'.

One day when Pepperman saw fellow Forknights and Cheeseslimes pass by his gate, he challenged them to a contest whilst hiding behind the curtains where they had to draw him from memory. Still, they rejected the challenge except when the artistic pepper stated: "I promise you, my contestants, that your forks will be sharper to pierce that fast-paced Italian and you Cheeseslimes to receive a bat for defence!"



Next up

Some abstract art, I made using both GIMP and Krita.

So, it isn't a big deal.

It's okay Max. I'll always be on your side.

(If you don't know what's going on, it's that I will be rewriting the story of TwiddleFinger to turn it into a somewhat tragic origin.)

I was so disappointed in Roblox that I compared them to Disney.

Well, some sprites are ready for the game

#pizzatower #fangame

I have outlined my hand-drawn sprites in pen, and WOW, does that look good despite the inconsistency in the teeth?

A sneak peak of Doodler's sprites.

I've got an announcement to make,

New logo for my project

#pizzatower #fangame #pixelart

"Hey sir, can I get your order?"

- Abstract Delivery Guy