This has been a long time coming…
For the past 10 days I have been trying to get the message out:
Markiplier: The Quest for Pants may be cancelled.
Recently, my computer containing the files for Markiplier: The Quest for Pants was stolen, and I have no idea if I even backed up the game files because of Steam’s back-up system.
So now, I can only hope that on my new computer I can restore the files.
However, if I cannot recover the files, I have two options:
One, give up on the project entirely
Or two, start building the game back up from scratch.
The pros and cons of this?
If I rebuild the whole game, it will give me a chance to make a new type of game, I was thinking that if I redo the game, I may make it more like Chrono Trigger with the battle system it has. And I may finally get around to fixing all the really obvious game exploits everyone keeps using. And I may even create my own soundtrack this time!
Now, the downside of this is the game will never be the same, and it will take way longer to complete the game (and I was so close to finishing too!)
So thanks to all the people who have been keeping the game going!
Until next time, this has been IndieWiz