Fazbear Nightmare
5 years ago

Unfortunate Update

Dear fans and followers,

Today, I come bearing unfortunate news. As of the next update, development of Fazbear Nightmare will be discontinued. There are several factors that influence this decision, the most prevalent of which are listed below.


As many of you are already aware, FNAF is a trademarked franchise, meaning that any and all fan-made projects cannot be sold for monetary gain. As many of you can imagine, this on it’s own proved to be a roadblock in whether this project was viable for full-time dedication. As difficult as it may be for some to accept, this is my livelihood and without income it becomes increasingly difficult to afford the necessities of day-to-day life.

As for donations, I would like to state that funding has not gone to waste. It has always been the intention of this studio to utilize contributions for the betterment of Velsina Productions as a whole, and therefore you can expect to see your assistance in future endeavours.


When Fazbear Nightmare first entered development, the studio had several, reliable friends working together on their college downtime. It was a group effort that everyone had a part in contributing towards. In the beginning, the general concept of the game was something along the lines of “What if Five Nights at Freddy’s was in 3D?” A simple concept, to be sure. As the years went on, the scope of this project increased to include an in-depth story, multi-chapter releases and much, much more. As was mentioned above, non-profit investment became more difficult to accept and thus, some of us were forced to find work outside of Velsina Productions. At this time, only a select few of us were able to continue development of Fazbear Nightmare, making the workload we once dreamed of being possible a far distant objective.


I would like to start by thanking each and everyone one of our now 1,000+ member strong community. I never dreamed of having such passion and dedication come from our fans and I am deeply touched by some of your comments, encouragement and passion towards our work. However, given everything that has already been mentioned, it’s been rough keeping positive about the way things have been going. As I expanded my horizons to include other, profitable projects, I found enjoyment from writing my own stories, creating my own environments, and making projects that were truly and wholly “mine”. The drive that I once had to complete Fazbear Nightmare has slowly diminished and -at the time of writing this post- has vanished. As unfortunate as it may be to hear, I have also received a lot of negative press from several followers. Some going as far as to threaten myself or others.


As passionate as I once was about Fazbear Nightmare, many things have brought me to the conclusion that things cannot keep going the way they have been, and I can only hope that many of you that have followed me this far will continue to support my future endeavours ( one of which has recently been teased through our Discord ). Thank you, again, for everything this community as a whole has done for me. You are the reason why I have decided to continue development; and with enough support and dedication, I believe we can make Velsina Productions something great.


Claire Murray

CEO and Founder of Velsina Productions




Next up

Working on the campaign select screen. Looking to also add a stars system on the preview image

Redesigning the location to better help the gameplay flow and add new areas :) Next release should really shake things up and give you something special

Midnight VR is in active development alongside Alpha 7. I've been working on a toolkit to more easily make everything work in Roomscale :) also hopefully Co-op!! (current character is a bit short but fixing that)

Alpha 7's stretch goals are coming along really well!!!

FNaF 3 Map is in development for Challange modes :)

working more on the 3rd person conversion. now have a basic pickup animation :)

Some of the Midnight VR WIP screenshots! Hope to have a build up for testing VERY soon, all that's left is fixing the AI everything else is done To play this you will need a PC HMD with motion controls, I also am looking at a Quest port but no gurentees

Power systems have been improved Clock added to the office Foxy is alive Just some of the changes coming to Alpha 7

Blep, incase you havent seen it before