Only Unknown
2 years ago

Unknown Story

What Was Only Unknown, Now Known

Hello, everyone! Two years with nothing on this game, huh? Isn't that neat. Well, after so long of not working on this, I decided I should go ahead and spill out what this thing is.

If you haven't played A Different Unknown yet, it's helpful for understanding all of this.

So, lets start with the characters.

Ah, Rikotsu. A product of me being addicted to Japanese names at the time, and protagonists like Hikigaya and Kazuma. Not my proudest creation, but hey, he worked at the time.

Rikotsu was supposed to be a guy living alone while his parents were away on a trip, basically doing everything himself around the house. This also happened to give him some skills when it came to several obstacles he'd encounter throughout his tale.

June was a product of the generic "Best Friend" troupe, and if you've played A Different Unknown, you'd know that he's secretly a bad guy. I thought it was neat at the time, except now I know it's far from original.

June would spread misinformation through the friend group, leading them astray from the truth of Screnoids, while being aided by his own to find a way to dispose of Rikotsu once and for all.

Jenna was just supposed to be a bimbo love interest for Rikotsu, honestly. Later in planning I considered giving her a Screnoid, but honestly Shihiro was the better choice for that.

Not much more to say about her, honestly. Doesn't really impact the story and is kind of just there as a plot device to give Rikotsu some conflicting feelings about some things.

Shihiro, the nerd that gathered information and made tech. Unlike the others, who are high school students, she's a drop out from an engineering course in high school, and met them after Jenna approached her at a bar and introduced her to her friends.

She was the smart one, basically making everything possible throughout the story. She'd cut down bad plans and build better ones, make tools for them to use, and eventually help Rikotsu fight in the climactic final battle. Also, she was the first to see through June.

The Mysterious Shadow Man. Quite the enigma that I never gave a name, so lets just call him Harrier since I'm playing Disco Elysium right now. He was supposed to be June's father, but made a deal with a Screnoid to become a creature of shadow in return for his son's life, who died at the hands of his mother in a suicide..

Harrier's story was supposed to be a tragedy. He tried to be the best father he could, only for his wife to become mentally unwell, being paranoid about creatures coming for her, until killing his son and herself right before he found them, and having to help take down his now wicked son, knowing he's the reason the Screnoids got control of him.

The bartender is a minor character in one-time jokes with June when they head to the bar. That's about it.

In the downtown area, there was supposed to be a politician that slowly goes mad and has fewer people listen to him.

The doctor and teacher are plot tools, and that's kind of about it for human characters.

At some point I considered having Rikotsu talk to an online friend for help, except that turned into Shihiro.

I can't say it in any other way that Screnoids are fucking wacky. Blue squares that have 0 width and can pass between the atoms of objects. They can have up to two eyes normally, indicating their power. One usually indicates that it's an "Observer" that just goes around watching what happens in the Screnoid and Human realms. Two means that it's powerful enough to interact with people capable of seeing Screnoids. Three or more usually means the Screnoid can make contact with humans and make contracts with them. Since three eyes are hated, they're usually killed as quickly as possible. Four eyes have the ability to bend space, bringing Screnoids in between realms and locations in the Screnoid realm. Each eye count has the abilities of the ones below them.

Zoid is the Screnoid that Rikotsu made a contract with. He's technically an outlaw of the Screnoids who wants to take down Nineko for having abnormalities worse than himself that they can hide.

Nineko is the Screnoid that Harrier and June made contracts with. Nineko is a two-eyed Screnoid that has the powers of four-eyed Screnoids. Nineko also has unique patters in their eyes, which Screnoids usually only have solid colors for.

Ahana is the guy you can see in the corner of the pause screen. This is the Screnoid eventually taken by Shihiro, who has great observation abilities. Originally, this Screnoid is just a pal of Zoid's, but eventually takes an eye from another two-eyes and merges it with himself.

Now this is the part where I don't deliver, and instead not post the story until next year, Rick Riordan cliffhanger style. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and hopefully next year I'll post the story for the two readers of this post to gawk at.



Next up

i'm sorry

So I didn't delete the old version of the hospital background from Only Unknown so... here's a comparison between the old and new versions.

Every time Takagi-San teases me...

Happy New Year (or Decade)

Here's a post.

I randomly feel like making a render. Comment your Roblox username or something and a theme for the scene of the render and I'll pick a random one whenever I decide to begin making the render. Example included with my avatar.

[Inhales but in a gay way]

Here's a hunt. The prize? A key to an early version of Only Unknown's demo! This one is pretty easy, the next few may not be so easy.

Uzaki-chan is Yuri confirmed.

Looked cute. Might delete later.