1 month ago

Unotale gaming. Sorry for the lag

Featuring: @LL83 , @Asriel_Goat_Boy and @Yoshendo5

I forgot the disable the custom ost. If anyone wanna hear it, it's named 'Out of mind' by Knuckleduster



Next up

Official Disbelief papyrus - Gameplay screenshots

I never though i would've beaten Phase 2 (Phase 3 isn't implemented yet)

Official Disbelief papyrus phase 2 gameplay

Underswap Papyrus: Custom spritesheet

1. Base 2. Hoodie

3. ALL JUST A- 4. Hoodie Alt.

5. Base Alt.

Everybody, look at what @Elasmo has done! Not gonna lie, it's a masterpiece! 10/10!!!

More DF funny moments with friends. No edits this time.

Ft. @Yoshendo5 @LL83 @Givememygamesback

Humantale Asriel (Front)

1. Happy 2. Normal sad

3. Geno run 4. Surprised

5. Base 6. Justice/Brave

-Original by Toby fox, edited by me-

Humantale: Asriel Dremurr spritesheet

Feel free to use it! Just credit me for the spritesheet creation.

-Original sprites by Toby fox, edited by me-

A party in Papyrus room

Edits included

When you like doing puns:

-Screenshot from Undertale promised-

This is what happens when you let someone with no animation skills do custom animations.