Unrelated: Don't Forget
1 month ago

UNRELATED: Chapter Zero Alpha version 0.1 info!

We've got a lot to report this time!

UNRELATED: Chapter Zero is nearly playable. It's still buggy, but it's playable. Almost. Soon I'll be releasing a playable alpha (v.0.1) to a few playtesters, but not the general public.

Something important to note: Chapter Zero is very short. If you know what you're doing and ram through all the text, you can get to the end in less than five minutes. I've never programmed a game before this, so Chapter Zero very much a tester for me.

It's still important to the overall narrative of UNRELATED, though, so be sure to play it!!

So, what's left before v.0.1?

  • Finish building the map. I'd call it 97% complete, but it still has a little work to go before it's completely functional.

  • Finish building the cutscenes! There are two major cutscenes in Chapter Zero, and one of them is buggy but playable, and the other is still incomplete. The first one needs a little more fine-tuning before I give it to playtesters, but the second one needs a little work. It'll be a toughie! But totally worth it.

  • Get the saving system up and running. When I switched computers the saving system broke, and I'm suspicious it's a problem with this computer and not the game. I will be getting a nicer computer soon, so I should be able to fix it then.

  • Music! @Ffatalityy has her own life going on and I don't wanna be too needy, so I asked another friend, RykoCheeto, to help me as well! She makes really cute and nice music! Also, I'm still trying to teach myself to make music on my own :0 but it's not going well, haha.

So, when will Chapter Zero release to the general public?

Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da (drumroll noises)

September 30th!

That's all for now! Stay DETERMINED and never lose HOPE!



Next up

Unrelated Devlog!

Changed the textbox bone sprites, now they fit the screen a little better. Still need to make unique ones for Chapter Zero, though.

Yay 100 followers!

But UNRELATED only has 88...

to those of you who follow me but not UNRELATED, why? UNRELATED is pretty much all I post about.

And while we're here - to everyone, how did you find out about me/my game?

SURPRISE!! To commemorate Undertale's 9th anniversary, stickers of Undertale characters will be available!!

Unfortunately since I'm quite busy (and also pretty burnt out from doing art right now) I only got to make a few... But I hope you guys like'em!

Who will be the lucky 30th comment??

i'd like to share the first sneak peak for the new ruins encounter! we've updated ALL of our sprites and are very happy with the result!

when we reach 100 followers, ill be sharing a video showcasing the battle! so stay tuned until then!




(Game is out now, guys!!)

(Best with sound)


Save system is 100% complete! Now all that's left before release is some last-minute debugging and touch up. It's almost time...