(Unrelated GIF)
Gimme ideas for Easter Eggs when you put in a name in the game (already added Easter Eggs for the FNAW 1 Cast,Amogus because i have broken humour and Freddy Fazbear)
Shit in Bonnie.
da sauce
ONITM 2 Teaser #2
Familiar...? :)
#FnaW2Deluxe @jeb_yoshi @NumberOneJenny
Oh yeah it is my cake day.
Cool Stuff .
Correction: Spawn day. I don't know why is said cake day.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )
GOLF and Fast-Food Saloon S-Rank + John Gutter P-Rank
Basically BTD
Chapter 2 Remastered
Luigi NOOO