Long Gone Days

8 years ago

Upcoming Chinese Localization

We are currently integrating Chinese in the demo of Long Gone Days, thanks to the amazing people at Indienova’s Project Gutenberg:
Alwaysmadow, 潦倒困, West, 乱堆糖果, 一只小雨, benzoin, Gabriel, 烤焦面包, Canny, KENNY FENG, 阿V是只牛, craft, 南佐, daqicheng, SisseL, Paledust, shawn.

These screens are subject to change, but here are some sneak peeks:


The integration is going through testing, and we’ll be releasing it in the upcoming days!



Next up

The news you've all been waiting for! Long Gone Days is going to be released this October 10th not only on PC and Mac, but on the Switch, PS4/PS5 and Xbox Series X/S thanks to Serenity Forge! Play the game at PAX, booth 1016.

Hi everyone! We’re glad to share a new progress report!

In these report we mention our new partnership with a publisher, some new features and screenshots!

Read more about it here:…

Important Update

Chapters 2 and 3 are out!

This new story update will add 4 more hours of gameplay, with more people’s lives to change through sidequests, and more intriguing enemies to meet. Read more here:…

January Update (In-Progress GIFs)

Long Gone Days is OUT NOW on PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, Playstation and Xbox

Hi everyone! We just posted a new Progress Report, featuring some brand new tracks from our Original Soundtrack and more:… Also, here are the previous progress reports:……

May 2017 Update

Progress Report

Hi everyone! In an effort to keep a more fluid conversation, we have just launched our Discord server here: Come join us to discuss anything related to Long Gone Days, and be part of the community!