Not sure if anyone notice, but sorry about taking the game down for a week or so! I’m back with a fairly major update to make up for it though!
Visual stuff for 2nd boss
In progress character select screen
THREE new characters to play as, each with a unique gimmick!
— GAUZED: When HP is low you do MORE damage
—LEVI: You can teleport to the mouse’s location
— BOMBER: instead of shooting bullets, you explode (I’m not sure if this character meshes well, may remove in a later update)REWARDS have changed
— Two rewards appear at a given time
— Rewards now cost HP to selectSmall changes made to the game’s UI
Add Reverb to some Sound Effects.
Balance / Misc.
2nd boss bounces off white wall boxes now
Increased the 2nd boss’s attack frequency + hp
Balance changes made to Piercing and Explosive shots. Explosive shots now do half of your damage. Piercing shots do less damage every time they hit something
Made minor change to how motion blur works. Faster objects/enemies/whatever should blur more
Made MOVE SPEED++ slower
Made SHOT SPEED++ slower
Touching an enemy will always do 25 damage to the player
HP of GAUZE has increased to 175 to compensate for REWARDS costing HP