Menu music can now loop through various tracks
Bullet speed, rate, and design optimized
Collision code updated
Particle improvements
Fixed menu design bug that affected resolutions not 1366x768
Fixed other object bugs that affected resolutions not 1366x768
Optimized a bunch of code
Implemented new health, lives, and weapons hud
Updated the tutorial a bit
Improved helper ship interpolation
Sped up pause menu by a factor of 4
Rewrote game state handler, which allowed me to easily write some menu music looping code
Changed bullets to more of a laser design
Increased bullet speed
Increased bullet count per unit time
Optimized audio analysis code
Optimized player bullet and enemy collisions
Particles changed to rectangles, and enemy death particle count is 1/4 original amount. This saves alot of processing power, and the particles look more like debris than party confetti
Fixed menu visualizer cutoff. This bug only applies on screens that are not 1366x768
Found some objects that will only resize properly on 1366x768 screens. Added a resizing computation that will fix this bug. Again, this bug only applies to screens not 1366x768
Implemented a redesigned hud. It looks a bit better, and I’m pretty sure the player will figure out what all of the bars mean within a short amount of time
Updated the tutorial to catch up to speed with the new hud. I plan on removing this tutorial and making a much better one. This one is just a placeholder
Improved helper ship interpolation so it doesn’t clip within the ship
Sped up the pause menu by a factor of 4