Moss Destruction

6 years ago

Update 0.7.0 "Mini-Me" out now!

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are doing well after the Holidays! As for the team, we’re all freshened up and in to tackle the various challenges the new year has in store for us! Without further ado, we jumped straight back into action to extend your all-time-fav Moss experience. Speaking of the effort, please welcome



Beware the MiniBosses! New enemies might emerge in all the levels: you’ll now get a pretty good chance at running into a boosted-up version of some previously familiar enemies who will try to give your day the extra frustration it never needed. Please welcome them with smoking hot barrels.

A new Mech Tech for the dark ones: The Twilight Knight.

In for some serious challenge in aim? get the “Shashlik!” achievement now! Skillshot!!

The desert Boss Worm got some fierce henchmen. They protek and atak.

The PET is doing proper damage to the enemy again. It’s good with kids and kitties though.

Cartridge descriptions are back in the shops! No more pig-in-a-poke shopping.

Fixed the issue where your controller would vibrate even if you played with keyboard + mouse

Portal descriptions will now appear prior to stepping into them - making a whole lot more sense this time…

We made some balancing on the Blu. Among others, Guards will not dance around as much as before, going straight for the kill. The Pigball got faster, while the Tortle slooowed down. The Mortar Mantis made up its mind to attack the player after all and the Hoof-Beak is through with some self-confidence issues therapy too. Some projectiles fired at the player are faster and and the Fire-Claw grew up to the task of being more than just a tame pussy cat. You’ve been warned.

Revised some of the more misleading tutorial texts.

Fixed some nasty typos here and threr there.

Once more, we would like to thank you all for your support and the reports you sent us, a great help in shaping the game!

The SwG Team



Next up

A really cool feature is coming...stay tuned!

Minor update 0.5 "Blu" is here!

Vote for your archenemy!

Update 0.7.5 "CERBERUS" out now!

Update 0.8.0 "HOT" OUT NOW!

Blu Splash Screen Process

Mech tech upgrades for the battle

Moss Destruction - a new enemy under development (and He is so happy :) )

Moss Destruction - Something Extraterrestrial is Coming...stay tuned!

Blu is coming this week!