Changelog for 0.9.0:
Cleaned code.
Added Story Mode (only one level, because I can’t do more for now).
Removed isGrounded state for Game Over. Now your character can’t be already dead while flying.
Added progress bar for music in Endless Mode.
Improved sensivity of jumping.
Improved animations.
Added new font: “VT323”.
Added some kind of lobby/hub with shop and fake Operating System “urOS” (associated with the story).
Removed Play Menu (settings with Difficulty level, actual gamemode, etc.). Now it’s in the Hub.
Improved code (for ex. checks text in Add Music input field and if it’s null then play music from OST).
Added money and coins to the game. Gain them after completing Story Mode level or collect while playing Endless Mode.
Updated Unity engine from 2018.3.5 to 2018.3.8.
Remains from the joystick/gamepad support have been removed (This system wasn’t working really well anyway).
Removed “More Settings…” button from Game Options menu.
Added Skip/Slow System for both Endless Mode and Story Mode.
Added ability to rewind time (script is able to capture up to 10 seconds).
Added note in Keybinds Info about how to enable/disable benchmark mode while playing (Press “B” to do it).
Added more objects (prefabs) to generate while playing Endless Mode (more customized obstacles).
Added in the Hub a kind of shop with two things to buy: Skip/Slow System and Rewind Time System.
Removed Slow Motion after clicking button: “N”. Now you have to buy Skip/Slow System to use slowmo effects.
Added note under benchmark icon (Press “B” again to save your benchmark results).
Added ability to hide “Keybinds Info” while playing (by pressing “K”).
Added version number in Gameplay scene.