The Search for a Colour Palette
1 year ago

Update 1.0.1 is out!

I just released update 1.0.1, and with it the game is a bit easier as well. :)


- Made XP bar overflow (if you got 60 XP from an enemy but only had 30 XP left to a new level, you will now get the 30 XP overflowed to the next level.)
- Made the XP requirement for the next level increment by 2.5, instead of 3.
- Optimized the first screen of level 1.
- Added a "skip cutscene" button to the very beginning of the game.

And that's it, I just wanted to finally change the XP system due to a conversation I had with Bro. Three (the guy that worked on the music for this game.) that the leveling system felt very "fake". Even if you grinded your levels to the max you typically would still usually be at the same spot a person that didn't grind for that long would be at. I've also gotten a lot of feedback on the fact that this game is a bit too difficult, so fixing the XP system hopefully fixes a lot of those difficulty issues as well. I truly hope you find the game fun to play! :)

If you have more feedback you want to give to me, please feel free to comment it on this page or send Nithriotto Games an email or something. you can contact us here:

And of course, same can be said for any bugs you might spot, please feel free to give me a notice about it. :)

- SeventyFour Productions



Next up

TSFACP devlog [10.08.22]

I'm about halfway through stage 6, which will be so massive that I had to have a savepoint in the middle. :P

TSFACP devlog [28.10.2022]

The official cover art of the game is now finished! I hope you all liked it, it actually took a bit of time to make believe it or not. I still like how it turned out. :)

TSFACP Devlog (nearing the end!) [24.02.2023]

Where is TSFACP at the moment? [04.08.2023]

Yep, love this...

Just got finished with the miniboss for stage 6! Not gonna reveal what this miniboss is though, you gotta see for yourself... ;)

Still working hard on the game, despite university! :)

We at @Nithriotto_Games have made a game together! It's called "The killer who may or may not be a moron." and it's- hmm.. sorry, it's just..this is a very emotional and important moment for me. It's just that this game means so much you know?

New Devlog! [05.01.2023]