The Search for a Colour Palette
11 months ago

Update 1.0.2

Hello there, I just released version 1.0.2. This is just a small thing I decided to do because I was bored and I wanted to fix these two things that peeved me a little bit. XP


- XP max multiplier has been decreased even more since last time and is now 2.1.

- XP max now has an upper limit, the 32-bit integer limit. (it was virtually impossible to reach this limit to begin with, but this is just to be sure.)

- Fixed very minor visual bug with the trail behind the knives you throw. Now all the knives will have trails, not just the most recent knife that was thrown.

- Fixed a literal pixel offset in the trail that you leave behind when doing the boomerang hover while you have the ultimate boomerang. If you veered to the left the trail would be offset by a pixel, that is now fixed. Yes this was basically a non-issue to begin with.

And yeah that's basically it, there really isn't more to it than that. The only real reason I added an upper bound to the max-level is just in case anything would break in the game after reaching this limit. Also as I said, there was basically a 0% of anyone ever getting to that point legitimately to begin with, so I guess this was another non-issue. XP

Please do say if you find more issues you want me to say, would be appreciated!

- SeventyFour Productions



Next up

TSFACP devlog [28.10.2022]

TSFACP Devlog (nearing the end!) [24.02.2023]

TSFACP devlog [10.08.22]

New Devlog! [05.01.2023]

Yep, love this...

Where is TSFACP at the moment? [04.08.2023]

Finally revamped the atrocious options menu that TSFACP had. Before the keybinds were locked away in another screen and you had to click the "in-game controls" text to access it, now everything is on the same screen and it's just generally way smoother!

The official cover art of the game is now finished! I hope you all liked it, it actually took a bit of time to make believe it or not. I still like how it turned out. :)

I'm about halfway through stage 6, which will be so massive that I had to have a savepoint in the middle. :P

Just got finished with the miniboss for stage 6! Not gonna reveal what this miniboss is though, you gotta see for yourself... ;)

Still working hard on the game, despite university! :)