Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's: Halloween Edition

1 year ago

Update 1.0.4

This update makes a change I forgot to do in 1.0.3, fixes another rare screen error and makes a few minor changes to the DRPC.

Change log:


  • In the Game Over screen, the vignette effect is no longer in front of everything.

    Forgot to do this on update 1.0.3.

  • Hovering on the game's icon on the DRPC will now show the game's version number.

  • (Windows only) Changed "Ending" to "Viewing the Ending" when you get the ending on the DRPC.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed one more error with the rare screen code, this time in the main gameplay frame.

    It was the same error as the ones fixed on update 1.0.2, where the game was consistently setting the rare screen value to 1000, instead of a random value between 0 and 1000.

  • (Windows only) Fixed an error with the DRPC, where the night time would remain visible when you make Golden Dreadbear appear and let him jumpscare you.



Next up

Pre-release/beta stuff.

Since today's Halloween, I'm gonna show them now.

Update 1.0.1

FNaBP 2 Custom Night released today, check it out:

Note that like FNaBP 1 CN, this Custom Night version of FNaBP 2 is only available for Windows!

So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus


Old drawings of Shamrock Freddy and Easter Bonnie that I made a while ago.

Me and a couple of friends are going to try and raise money for a suicide prevention project! (read below for more information)

Super Sonic watching Sonic 2: The Movie.

After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land

SMWC thread for the hack: (More screenshots are available there)

Her heartbeat plays with her song.

Marionette model by @Mortuus , more to come soon

Update 1.0.6