Added horror ambience (because it felt empty)
Cameras will now glitch out if animatronic is moved
Sound when animatronic enters the ventilation has been added
Miscellaneous sounds has been added
Added another death minigame
Office now flickers
Average shift long time has been decreased a bit
Another vent bug has been fixed
Some additional effects has been added
Next up
Main Menu Revealed
Menu has been officially finished
Assets for the game 3%
Also rayans animation was finished just gonna code some stuff
alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta...
New logo (Seen in the Teaser Trailer )
Just did the main menu what do you think guys?
Hey guys the page for GENESIS' (aka Andsy's 3) is out, go follow it.
Ini for night 1-5 was completed and iam doing the 6am screen and the time was finished
Onto the next ai for the gotta do the mask mechanic
Main Menu Revamped
I have been planning to add a "Future Mode" for this game that would reflect Frutiger Metro and showing the original concept before reimagining it as a prequel.
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