recoded Shrek so he actually works now,
lasagna will no longer remain on the cameras after dying without picking it up and starting the night again,
a certain game crashing easter egg will no longer appear on nights with score higher than 9000,
now you can click anywhere on the game over screen in order to get back to the menu
Next up
Yeah I didn't know this happens on other resolutions. FUCK.
Yeah the game is around 70% done. There are 3 main characters left to make and some other UI stuff. I might finish the game by the end of this year. Ight see ya.
I know there is nobody here but...
Ight we are so back on track.
It's finally here!
tank you @worldtrademark
It's Cat Day in my country today. Happy Cat Day.
Anniversary Edition is finally here!
Merry Christmas y'all!
Chiaki Nanami!