If you couldn’t notice by the extra tab added to the game’s page I have being experimenting with adding leaderboards which I have just got working, This will be avalible in the next update hopefully coming this sunday. Other improvements will include:
New weapon types to defend your nation:
The anti-aircraft gun will explode when the bullet reaches the target set by your mouse. Will one shot any planes
The tracer bullet will move towards your mouse, If they reach the mouse they will self distruct however
And another secret type that, I’m not sure if I will be able to get finished but it’s my hope it will be done by the time of the update
New enemy type: The bomber Jet. When it spawns it will fly down across the screen and if it gets to close to your city it will then drop a bomb destroying the city. These guys are worth 125 points and take 4 points (unless you use the anti-aircraft gun)
Plus two more possible enemies that might not make it for the Sunday release.
I’ll also be removing the dual, and tripple gun unlocks as they really conflicted with the Civilian planes and made it nearly imposible to avoid shooting them.
I am also reworking the progression so that every couple levels you unlock new guns for that run. This won’t be pemant as I have a new idea that I have being working non stop to get it out the door but it is still in the planning stage. I’m not going to reveal much now but it will probably take around a month of nonstop work and will basicly be a 2.0 version of the game. I might require beta testers for this mode, but we’ll see when I get to the bug fixing stage for that.
Replacing graphics with higher quality pixel art or pre-rendered 3d art.
Adding a use for gold
Thanks for all the support,
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