a Week with Javier (Official)
3 years ago

Update 1.1 Released (Small Fixes Update)

I didn't find a lot of things to fix so here some fixes i did

What's New?

  • Task 4 Indications Fixes

  • Fanarts Credits Fixes

Only That so Yeah



Next up

Hey Guys, did you know this Game got released 3 Years Ago?

Tomorrow im going to be Back to College so every game im working on is going to be slowed down, expect a post per 2 weeks

GamePage became 3 Years Old

another stylized design, akranoM .rM kraD!

(To be honest I didn't expect him to look SO monstrous.)

Hey Everyone, The Classic Games Archive is now back as promised!

(It has around 4 new games)

AWWJ 3 fan poster!

"there is no one else left... ARE ALL DEAD... but unfortunately... I am still alive"

Kinda Late of doing those kind of fnaf movie parodies art but eh, i just did this for Fun

Prepare =)

Mike animation! :P

Slow Down Bro.