Space War

4 years ago

Update 1.13: New enemy shot (animated) + more precise shots!

New features:

  • Enemy shots are now more "realistic" and animated

  • Enemies shot precisely where the ship is, before it wasn't the case.

Thanks for playing!



Next up

Before you could play with keyboard, mouse and controller. However, it was impossible to play in 2-players mode with 2 controllers (it was 1 controller max).

Now this will be possible in the next release! 🎮🎮


Space War 1.17 Available!

Animated space ship, menu icons and bug fixes.

Blokoding: A way for kids to learn programming!

Yes, a game to learn programming! Just drag'n'drop cards (for instance actions, loops, conditions...) and start a level to make your character move and execute your program!

Program example 😉

Easily teach code basics to children with Blokoding!

Update 1.14: Tutorial and balancing!

Update 1.12: Trophies!

Space War now playable on web browsers!... But there is an annoying bug (when you dies the game crashes). This is due to a bug in emscritpen llvm compiler :

I will upload a new version when it will be fixed!

Thanks for playing!

Space War now supports 2 controllers in 2 player mode!

Also, there is a new loading bar!

Still working on Blokoding: a way for kids to learn programming!

The game is now available at