The Return to Freddy's 5: Rebuilt - A Black Moon Falls

3 years ago

Update 1.2: VICTORY PATCH!

  • Changed the way the game registers 100% completion so it hopefully always works properly

  • Made the final chapter easier and more understandable in various ways

  • Removed the cock from my ass cuz it made the game too hard

  • Added a brand new feature where you can speedrun getting blocked by Black Moon Studios by mentioning me in their comments

    You think you can escape me, sussy Kiiisto the Random Tuxedo Guy, but you can never escape the maelstrom, new trtf is on the block.

    Have fun trtfing!

    -Tyler Maelstrom, TRTF



Next up

Fuck the ass


if you wanna see more of GANGSTA WARIO play this game it's canon to TRTF Rebuilt i think

None of these pictures include messages of myself claiming to have created any alternative accounts or indulged in botting.

I did not indulge in any botting or creation of alternative accounts.

happy anniversary trtfers

The Dreadful Kiiisto update is now officially a brand new separate installment!

trtf is rising, oveflowing


got motherfucking DAMN

The return to Freddy's Rebuilt 3 page is RIGHT!