Project Strange
6 years ago

Update 1.3.0 - Sorry!


It’s been a long time since I released the last update. Finally, I had to get down to work and fix some of the things in my game (I designed a terribly annoying and unstable engine). I will try to make Project Strange 2 better than Project Strange with the help of w4ty - my friend, who creates his own game called Flawless Mask.


  • Added embed fonts in the game (so, you don’t have to download, etc.),

  • Fixed the Prologue frame,

  • Removed from Main Menu option to change FPS (now you have only limit to 120 FPS by default [less than 120 fps caused bugs and glitches.]),

  • Removed weird keybindings,

  • Now you can in Boot Menu run k_OS by Hard Drive button,

  • Added limit of text in Nickname text box,

  • Fixed a Settings button in Decrypter software,

  • Improved a design of Game Jolt Login frame,

  • Added a PIOS Setup frame, but without any interaction,

  • Improved a value of Volume (now showing in integer [Thanks w4ty! :D]),

  • Removed side mission,

  • Added a new icon for Project Strange.exe,

  • Improved a tutorial, you have to type a command: “/tutorial” to get the tutorial in First Puzzle,

  • Added a new mystery (Hint: IRC Chat in Prologue will guide you).

This is probably the last update of this game.




Next up

4A 30 69 6E 20 55 35 21 20 0A 0A 43 30 6D 69 6E 67 20 53 30 30 6E 21

Wo' just happened?

4A 30 69 6E 20 55 35 21 0A 0A 43 30 6D 69 6E 67 20 53 30 30 6E 2E

Update 1.0.1 - Bug-fixes

I made an update with @Cyberevolver_Studios to our old game from 1920 Jam (Polish game-jam) by adding English and other small improvements. Along with that, we decided to upload the game on the Game Jolt platform:

Something gone wrong... ⊙△⊙

Update 0.8.9 - Launch of LackNet

Wishlist Telegraphist 1920: Beats of War now on Steam a rhythm historical game set in 1920, with a morse code as protagonist (and telegraphist of course!):…

It's a complete remake of hackathon (24 hours) version!

Update 1.1.0 - Ritual

Rebuild bridges in this innovative combination of Tower Defense and Top-Down Shooter. Help Carrier and Fighter do their job of rebuilding bridges between islands and finally rebuild human relations to resolve any conflicts.
