Yes, it’s finally here! The new update that brings loads of additions and graphical changes! Not only is the game more about exploration, but it also looks a lot nicer than it ever has!
Player now begins in center of the galaxy, rather than at point 1000x, 1000y.
Player health is now shown in the top left corner of the screen.
Added planets.
Planets have randomized names and statuses.
Status determines the ability to be used as an item shop.
Planets are parallaxed, just as backgrounds are.
Minimap locates planets.
Edited tutorial to explain planets and shops.
Added various nebulae in background to add more color to the background.
Added soundtrack.
Ambient music plays during normal gameplay.
Double BPM track crossfades when near full speed or while in potential combat/danger.
9 songs added: 4 ambient tracks, 4 combat tracks, and title screen track.
Added native gamepad/joystick support.
Gamepad use must be enabled in options menu to use.
Analog sticks can be swapped ingame.
POV Hat/D-Pad and right stick control where to place modules.
Buttons can be mapped at any time.
Not implemented, but planned: Player-defined button names for easy reference.
Two control styles; Original control: press forward to speed up, down to slow down. Tilt control: Tilt stick forward to move at a speed depending on how far as you move the stick forward.
Changed options menu.
Menu text is now centered.
All options now saved to an INI file in the “AppData” folder under “AppData\SpaceGame\config.ini”.
Added new particle effects.
Explosion particles, replacing most previously animated explosion sprites.
Hit sparks, appear when a ship or module is hit with a laser.
Item sparks, appear when collecting an item.
Laser sparks, appear when a laser disappears.
Camera now shakes when moving near full speed.
Redesigned title screen.
Removed “warp-speed” background and replaced with subtly-animated background.
Moved logo to right, also now animated.
Changed credit line and now shows composer of music.
Added particle system to title screen for “supernova”/”galaxy” area.
Added social media buttons to bottom of screen.
Added version and copyright text to bottom of screen.
Pressing F12 on title will toggle making the title elements invisible, allowing you to see the background fully.
Application surface now updates every second, allowing for window resizing without needing to zoom afterwards to remove distortion.
Changed splash screen.
Splash screen now shorter and shows updated logo and colors.
Redesigned shop menu.
Shop menu now only accessible when near planets.
Shops now only offer up to a maximum of 10 different items for sale.
Only the items that the planet sells can be sold back to them for credits.
Shops sell randomly different items per planet.
Changed starting inventory loadout.
Player is now given 2 weak cannons and 2 slow boosters instead of only 1 weak cannon.
Change made to allow the player to find planets faster in the beginning of the game.
Added warning when nearing galaxy borders.
Text appears at bottom of the screen, explaining the border.
A red border is visible at the border.
Edges of the screen flicker red when near the border lines.
Added “Generate New Galaxy” option
This option generates a new randomized galaxy, allowing for new planets and enemies to be discovered.
This option does not delete your current ship layout.
You cannot return to a previously generated galaxy.
Changed inventory list to be more compact.
The amazing music was created by WoolyDrool! Check him out on Twitter and SoundCloud!
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