Hello fellow survivors,
Thanks for tuning in! This update really is big and we hope you'll enjoy it as much as we did making it! Sorry for the big gaps by the way, it has been rough for everyone recently.
Here's the list of all the changes and additions to the game :
The Island!
This is the new map we've been teasing for a while now. This is a completely new map, adding a whole bunch of new monsters with it:
Snakes, Crabs, Flies and... deadly Coconuts?

Action Field/Inventory!
This is a brand new gameplay mechanic of forest.end, replacing buttons for equpping a stick, taking out the shield, using an extra heart and the magnet!
All of that just by pressing E and selecting it with your mouse. Of course it sounds a bit hard to do while having monsters rushing at you, so luckily for you, when this menu is opened, time is slowed down.
Giving you more time to think through your next move!
It also shows how many sticks you have left in your pocket, very handy.

New UI!
The Store, the Customization menu and Tutorial got entirely revamped !
Customization now has two categories: Character/Color and Maps. The new Maps tab allow you to have to brief text about the selected map and the enemies that can appear there!

While we're at that, as you might have already noticed, we added more hats!
Headphones (no tune included) , a Helmet that every heroes need, and a Crown.
We also added more colors: Light blue, Brown and Pink!
We also added a new way to unlock the UniBrine skin, wonder if it has to do with the credits themselves...
Now going to the Store, it got a major design overhaul. Now it feels more like it's part of the game doesn't it?

Wait- did we add more upgrades? Oh yeah we did!
There is now a Magnet that will slowly attract Sticks and Coins to the player!
The Max Stick Compacity is a new mechanic. Now you have a stick inventory that is first very limited, but with this upgrade you can get an extended inventory and carry much more sticks to throw!
The Tutorial is also much nicer, you can select which element you need help with instead of going through pages of whatever order it was.

New way to buy items, hats and upgrades... Coins!
They can be easily obtained by killing enemies. They'll be drop in very few numbers per enemies, but the bigger and stronger the enemy is, the more coins you get, luckily!

They might be really small, so you might want to buy the Magnet as fast as possible so it's easier.
The game now supports ZQSD keyboard , all you have to do is change it in the Options!

Bug fixes and Optimizations:
fixed a bug where the shield outright didn't work
fixed layer issues
optimized game performance
many... MANY more. No game's perfect.
Always remember to report bugs in the comments of the latest devlogs or the page itself. The sooner we find bugs, the faster they can be fixed. We always want the best experience for our players and doing your part by reporting nasty bugs is the best step in the right direction!
I hope you'll enjoy playing forest.end Update 1.4 ! We really put a lots of effort into our stuff ! Keep supporting us, it keep us working on bigger and bigger things each time !
- Shattered Devs