Wolfy's Hotel: Cruciati Insaniam

8 months ago

Update 1.5 is out!

(Read Article)

This update includes a massive sound overhaul with new animatronic sounds and small yet significant changes.

  • New animatronic sounds for walking and office door cues. Hybrid Blue dog's vent crawl is also now a separate sound.

  • Hybrid Rusty can now enter from the left door as well as the right, as originally intended!

  • Door animatronics now make unique sounds of their respective characters before they are about to attack. This can make them easier to avoid by listening to sound cues.

And that's pretty much it, I am planning to make a new title screen music that is my own, and improve some other older features left untreated. Thank you for following, please enjoy!



Next up

Hope you like my heroic new header. I have not had a bright background in... forever.

The release of version 1.5.6

With the help of @sunsetblood aka my twin brother, I have added a magnificent addition for this game. Enjoy. Judge me later. (Don't. Approve instead, then laugh)

Redzina V3


The end of 2024.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Greetings, if you've seen a Red ballora in TPRR, or a Kellin quinn, that's us. That's right. We have made some content.

If you're here from roblox, searching my username, CONGRATS! You have found us.

I love FNaF, it has given us so much, and I am grateful of everything Scott Cawthon gave us back then.

It remains inspirational to this day.

Rat Race Production Update

Released version 1.6!