Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's

2 years ago

Update 1.6 (1st Anniversary Update) is out!

This update was made for the 1st anniversary of the game's first release.

Change log:


  • (Android only) The app name now shows the full unabbreviated name (Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's), instead of the abbreviated name (FNaBP).

  • Moved the subtitles to the bottom of the screen. The text is no longer outlined, and the outline has been replaced with a transcluent horizontal bar.

  • (Windows only) Changed the subtitles font to Consolas.

    The Android version will still use a system font, because using custom fonts on Android requires an extension that can only be used with Clickteam Developer.

  • You now can't reset save data while the new game confirmation is visible.

  • The pause menu buttons are now further away from each other.

  • The Extras menu has been mostly recoded, and some buttons have been reordered.

New Features:

  • Added Game Jolt API.

    You can now unlock trophies!

    There are 12 trophies that can be unlocked.

  • The subtitles now have a typing effect, where the text is written letter by letter, like in some modern fan games, such as FNaTI 2020 and Golden Memory 2.

    To make this and other subtitle changes, the subtitles system has been remade, which also should prevent desyncs.

  • The characters now don't move while a phone call is playing.

    This allows you to focus on the phone call without risking getting jumpscared.

  • When starting a Custom Night challenge, the game will now always reset the AI levels of the characters to the challenge's AI levels.

  • Added a Thank You screen, which is shown when clicking on the anniversary text above the game's title in the main menu.

Bug Fixes:

  • Remade the usage bar code to fix a rare bug that could happen, where the bar would have 1 more than usual, which would result in the power draining faster than normal, even when nothing was being in use.

  • Fixed the menu theme not playing after viewing a cutscene through the Extra menu.



Next up

Update 1.0.1 is out! (Old Port Style Android version only)

#InayahWishlist Only doing this for the quest, but there's the screenshot.

#KnightlingQuest Can't play the demo right now, because I don't have access to a computer.

I've released my new SMW hack, Super Mario World: The 4 Magic Wands yesterday, for SMW Central's C3 event that started yesterday.

Here's the release thread:, and here's the hack's page:

Her heartbeat plays with her song.

Marionette model by @Mortuus , more to come soon

Thank you for 2300 followers!

Super Sonic watching Sonic 2: The Movie.

Knuckles watching Sonic 2: The Movie.

lighting tests (from when the head wasnt finished btw)

Update 1.7