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The past
(New game,short game to be exact)
After 7 months,the testing/unfinished page has 2 new games!
Fnati 1.0 and Fnati TEOD V1 has now been added.
Both of this games are canceled and discontinued.
No bug fixes or errors if they have.
Le current pinned post.
A render that i made for Ink blot corruptus
Mika kit but i draw her.
It turned out better then i aspected.
Her neck and head are a bit off but i can't fix that.
I consider her my daughter,don't judge me.
Long time i havent post in here
@Zallery archived pages(or unlisted games)all pages have been found
Accurate n-oswald model
Might be used for NbD:my take
I decided to fix her head.
Know is pur-fect.
Get it?
Like a cat :P
Fnati 2 my take old office
The 404 infection is spredding!!
Is now come to gamejolt.
(I can't think of nothing else the second i see the 404)
I'm way to obssesed with ps99.
(Not my account)