LooneyLand Chapter 1:Acme Presents (On Hiatus)
1 year ago

Update 1:small LooneyLand update

Main characters desings are done

The Story is done

No conding yet

Map is still being made

Music and Sounds are still being Decided

as i said before, this is my first game and im not having too much time for it, im learning as i go
i hope yall wait till there!

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Next up

maggie simpson(my take)

kitty from five nights with froggy 2, and yes, ik that red thing was supposed to be a christmas hat, i just wanted to it as a arm

Welcome to the Royal Theater(FNwF fanart)

Another Small Update


We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!

this new Looney tunes World of Mayhem toon was kinda....

cotty from five nights with froggy 2

Hiatus has Ended + official final poster reveal!!

working on giving a major update to the page, still with slow development cuz of other things, but hey I'm working on the project bub, Don't expect something incredible or with many complex mechanics, after all this is my first game:\ get a silly doodle