*EDIT*: Forgot to mention one thing (last bullet point).
Hey everyone! I have added a few new features to the game and even made a few minor QoL improvements.
As suggested by @Johannes-Spinnenschreck
, I have now added volume sliders for both music and sounds via the options menu so you can now adjust them to your liking (As shown on the screenshot above).
I have updated the purchased upgrades menu to make it look more organized (Second screenshot).
For the Android port, the vibration has been updated to be a lot smoother than before.
For the part in the game where you collect the sticks for King Termite, he now tells you how many you have collected whenever you talk to him.
Reduced the price for the newly added Double Prize upgrade from 175 to 125 Beaver Tokens.
I am currently out of town, but I managed to do this update via my laptop lol.
Let me know if you find anymore issues. Thanks!