Hi guys!
I’m currently on vacation abroad right now, hence why I’m not as active as I normally am, however I still managed to find the time to actually sit down and work a little bit! One of my admins informed me of a bug that I really wanted to fix in the demo, and luckily enough I brought DF’s files with me, so I was able to make Patch 10 today!
I know I’ve said many times in the past that I didn’t want to make any more patches, and that was the truth. However, a while back I announced I would make a Multiplayer Beta in the future to replace the demo. Turns out I changed my mind.
I want to get straight into the development of the final game, and that will take a while to make for sure. As such, this game page would remain stagnant for a long time. That’s no good. Therefore, I’ve decided to continue releasing small patches for the demo whenever I feel the need to instead, which will each add a little more content to the game and fix some bugs people report. Not only will it keep the demo alive but it’s probably a lot easier to do that than to construct a beta and then the final game!
So Patch 10 will start the new series of patches that will be releasing over the course of the final game’s development. Patch 10 has some pretty cool stuff in it, so check out the patchlog below!
Added a new maze room at the end of the Desolate Ruins. A new weapon lies at the end for those who complete it!
Along with the new weapon at the end of the maze, 5 other weapons have been added, making a total of 6 new weapons!
Removed Dirty Hacker Mode. It wasn’t needed and the final game will not have it, so it’s probably for the best to just remove it. Some players seemed to have a tendency to “accidentally” go into it (despite the warnings) and ended up locking themselves out from the other modes which they blamed ME for. Sorry to the folks who actually used it properly, you’re more than welcome to continue cheating/messing around with the files for fun in the Offline Mode!
You can no longer submit highscores while in Special Mode, since that isn’t really fair, is it?
Fixed a bug where Papyrus’ battle simulator would not give you any rewards (probably).
Added new secrets here and there. Good luck finding them!
There is now a level (love) cap. You can no longer exceed LV 9999.
Fixed a minor text bug with the Weapon Chests.
And there you have it, Patch 10! I hope you enjoy it!
Patch 11 will most certainly be a thing, so keep an eye out for that ;)
Anyway, that’s all for now folks, have a great day!
EDIT: Patch 10.2 fixes a bug where a certain weapon didn’t work right!