Hi guys!
I hope you’ve all been enjoying the game! I’ve been hard at work making sure to iron out all of those pesky little bugs plagueing the game!
A lot of you have been telling me about this “obj_setserver” error that shows up when the game starts, and I finally managed to track down the problem thanks to the help of some people from the Discord! I am pleased to announce that it has been fixed! Hopefully now all of you can finally get to playing!
But anyway, here’s the full patchlog:
Changed Frisk’s stick attack so it isn’t as difficult with Slower mode.
Fixed a bug where items purchased from Grillby’s would have no effect in battle.
Fixed a bug where Chara’s double knife attack didn’t spawn the knives correctly.
Hopefully fixed an issue where some antiviruses would falsely think the game was a virus and delete it.
Fixed the infamous “obj_setserver bug” which crashed the game upon trying to connect to the server.
Your skin is now no longer saved, so when you load the game up you will start as Frisk again. However, the skins you’ve purchased will still be unlocked, so just put your skin back on by pressing S!
Made slight changes to the FAQ section.
Fixed a bug where other players could be seen in Thundersnail.
Fixed a bug where players on your friends list wouldn’t have purple names in the overworld.
Fixed a bug where sometimes the game wouldn’t recognize you had the badge if it was in item slots 5-8 and not item slots 1-4.
Changed the message that [REDACTED] gives you in the big building so that he is able to recognize you have the Master Sword and point that out.
Once you leave the first room, you’re not able to walk back into it. This is just a side-effect of that “obj_setserver” error fix!
The text for the highscore tables has been made smaller so it’s a LOT easier to read now!
When you use /respawn, your skin now reverts back to Frisk. You can easily change your skin back again though, so it’s not too much of a problem!
Fixed some bugs that occured in Offline Mode.
Other minor changes!
Once again, thanks for being so patient with me everyone, it’s a very difficult time for me right now but I’m feeling more determined than ever to get this to work! Have a great day!